You don't seem to have much of a knowledge of history in Ancient India.
1. Buddha abandoning his family was normal for Kshatriya princes at the time as they were expected to go on a journey of self-discovery. Buddha was not the first nor the last person to do this. They would go on a journey for a few years and return more learned. This was a very normal practice during the 800 - 400 BCE era of Northern India. (Please see: Our Oriental Heritage, Will Durant)
2. The context of the Buddha's time is also important. Northern India had philosophical atheism be the dominant philosophy in ancient India. Hinduism was fading at the time and the Buddha saw his movement as a return to Vedic Dharma in an effort to quash Charvaka philosophy's notions of pleasure-pain principle. The Charvakas were the dominant philosophical position during Buddha's time; not Vedic Dharma. (Please see: Our Oriental Heritage, Will Durant)
3. You have provided no sources for your "excerpts" and when searching your latter two quotes, I have found no evidence to support they're even true. Those "excerpts of the Buddha" seem to have been made-up by you and you alone. Why do you not have any citations for your Buddha "excerpts"? You seem to have faked them.
4. Furthermore, you don't even seem to understand there's a difference in sect between Buddha's Theravada and the latter Mahayana Branches which each have different sub-sections. Vastly different sub-sections at that, yet you wrongfully portray Mahayana Buddhism as monolithic.
5. Ramayana is not Shruti, it's Smriti, which can be re-contextualized and is a natural part of Vedic Dharma. You act as if it is part of Shruti, when it is not.
6. Buddhism having parallel words to Hinduism would simply make it a different sect of Hinduism, not a different faith. You commentary here makes absolutely no sense.
7. You claim the Greek Polity had no culture and then claim they had a culture and vicariously supported Buddhism to "remove Hinduism" is not supported by the evidence. Archaeological research from Indian archaeologists have found that within Gandharian society Hindus were respected equally, treated well, and supporting synchronization efforts. Source:
7. I've found no evidence you hold any credible credentials to even be speaking on these historic matters. I was willing to forgo that, because I thought you had evidence, but you have not a single citation for any of your claims nor source links for anything that you say. I think you're not very credible and seem to have an unhealthy hatred for Buddhism.